Chapter 2
It's a Miracle! Look What Had to Happen to Create the Sixth Market |
We will either find a way or make one HANNIBAL |
For hundreds of years, people all across the globe have invested in all types of securities. Although their individual reasons for investing were countless, the bottom line has always been to make money from their investments. |
Great institutions arose that took control of the investing process and they have dominated the securities markets for generations. Information has been controlled by these institutions, and has often been withheld from the investing public. Market access has been controlled by these institutions, with the result that the individual investor lived in a world of high transaction costs and poor price executions. The individual had little or no control over his investment decisions or results. The institutions were king. |
Now, this cozy and very profitable institutional world has been turned upside down by the power of the Sixth Market. |
The individual has found a better way to invest. He or she now can obtain an almost unlimited array of market information, analysis, and |