Internet service provider (ISP), 18 |
bandwidth, 4042 |
connection speed, 42 |
customer service, 43 |
price, 43 |
redundancy, 4243 |
understanding, 41 |
Investment goals, 8687, 91 |
Investor |
belief system, 2223 |
training programs, 2931 |
Island ECN (ISLD), 27, 66, 115, 134 |
ISND connection, 41 |
Japanese candlestick chart, 14244 |
buyers in control, 146 |
down day, 145 |
flat day, 145 |
neutral control, 147 |
sellers in control, 14647 |
up day, 144 |
Knowledge, 94 |
Latency, 42 |
Law of the telecosm, 1718 |
Level I screen, 53 |
Level II screen, 5354, 12736 |
best price, 134 |
clockwise movement, 132 |
counter-clockwise movement, 13233 |
ECN, 13 |
liquidity, 134 |
1995, 10 |
1997, 12 |
rotation start, 131 |
timing entry/exit, 13334 |
uptick, 121 |
Limit order, 11112, 115 |
Line chart, 142 |
Liquidity, 11516 |
in fifth market, 1113 |
level II screen, 134 |
Long, 116 |
Long-term investment, 22 |
Long-term investor, 8889 |
Loss, 94 |
aversion to, 1012 |
healthy view of, 102 |
Management, 93 |
Margin, 122 |
Market |
access, 15 |
change in, 34 |
forces, 4 |
fourth, 89 |
history, 5 |
liquidity, 1113 |
Market fundamentals |
ask, 10911 |
bid, 10911 |
ECNs, 11416 |
exchanges, 1069 |
margin, 122 |
market makers, 11314 |
orders, 11113, 115 |
primary, 6 |
professional, 2223 |
restructure, 2728 |
secondary, 68 |
specialists, 113 |
third, 8 |
Market maker |
actual size rule, 11 |
level II screen, 10, 12, 13 |
market depth, 12 |
Nasdaq orders, 109 |
overview, 11314 |
price disclosures, 2122 |
purpose of, 113 |
SOES, 10 |
tricks, 114 |
MarketXT (MKXT), 115 |
Mental attitude, 9596, 9899 |
Money management, 161, 18788 |